Everything He Thinks about Himself He is Not. Everything She Thinks About Herself She is Not. Now What?

The Couple's business Jan Hutchins Olga Kostrova husband wife family 5

The best gift you can make to yourself is to keep forgetting who you are not… Gift it to yourself today, my friends… and tomorrow… and as often as you can… Live ethereal life… Live lighter, lovers…

Today someone asked me a question about the assertion “The best gift is always to remember who you are”.

Well, for most people, accessing who they really are is not a piece of cake. The search takes a lifetime, many give up. At the end of the day, nobody is guaranteed to actually realize their “true nature”. It’s not a result of our doing. The best “seekers” can do is to keep peeling away who we are not, and that’s something everybody can integrate into their daily practice… Who we are is in a realm of the unmanifested over which individual “will” has no control (to simply put it). At the same time “who we are not” is in the realm of manifested world, which is a playground for our “will”. By seeing each form of ourselves (name, gender, beliefs, social roles, all conceptual structures) as part of “I am not it”, a person by that subtraction comes closer to a realization of “I am”…

Everything he thinks about himself he is not. Everything I think about myself I am not. Everything you can think of about yourself you are not. So, with that in mind, what is there for couples to argue about?

Be gentle to each other, my friends. And play together, co-create, build wealth together – wealth in the true meaning of it – sharing presence with others. Live in a world that is abundant… Because it is…

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1) Launching an exciting entrepreneurial venture with your sweetheart
2) Making your relationships hot, spicy, profitable, bold and inspiring to others
3) Never worrying about money, "jobs" or awkwardness of dating ever again
