Out-Performs all 50 Shades of Grey: How This BDSM’s Rule Can Serve Your Relationship & Help Building Your Business

Let’s assume if you are reading this you have already taken on the toughest, touchiest and tenderest of tests – intimate relationship. And if you are running (or considering running) a business with a significant other, I imagine you not only can handle the heat – you and your partner actually like it hot. So…

Tantra Lounge – Sex Talk Radio with Coaches Jan Hutchins & Olga Kostrova: On Blissful, Loving Relationship and Sexual & Spiritual Connection

How are you and your partner processing your blocks to blissful, loving relationship, satisfying sex life and successful business partnership? Managing a sexual and spiritual connection is so important and challenging. Olga Kostrova and Jan Hutchins were invited to speak at Tantra Lounge – Sex Talk Radio. Enjoy this conversation about sexuality, spirituality and romantic…

What causes procrastination? Why do I feel stuck in my business and unreliable in relationship?

Caught between lack of self confidence and unrealistic dreams, we procrastinate. In that confused state, rather than risk failure, we wind up creating the conditions that block success. What causes procrastination? Why do you feel stuck in your business and unreliable in relationship? If you’re feeling stuck and are procrastinating in your business and/or your…

Conscious & unconscious aspects of leadership – for couples’ businesses, solo ventures & corporate enterprises

Relationship issues and successful leadership blend beautifully in this meditation by Jan and I as we take apart the conscious and unconscious aspects of leadership. Even in a two person business, how each person relates to their self leadership responsibilities and their constantly changing leader-supporter interactions with the other determines their chances for success and…

Free Assessment: Does your ego lead to business losses & cost your marriage?

“Ego is the invisible line item on every company’s profit and loss statement.” —David Marcum and Steven Smith in egonomics: What Makes Ego Our Greatest Asset (or Most Expensive Liability). Does your ego lead to business losses and might it cost you your marriage and business partnership? Why don’t you take this free assessment and…

Daily Meditations: How to Find Your Love Or Make Love Find You

Olga was asked by a client “How do I find true love?” The Daily Meditation video that resulted works perfectly here on the Couple’s Business site because what emerged serves couples at least as well as a searching single. What is true love anyway? How does the interchange between two people shifting from transactional to…

Daily Meditations video: non “professional” view on addictions, substance abuse & dependence recovery

Addictions and substance abuse cause so much pain they bring out our urge to wage war. Perhaps there are other ways to see the problem, spiritual ways to understand why people become addicted that might reduce the shame and provide insights to help people who abuse substances. My partner Olga Kostrova and I navigate through…

Video: Is Life a Brutal Bondage?

Freedom from all forms of bondage is everyone’s goal on the way to finding loving relationships and fulfilling life experiences. The stickiest factor in life’s snares is the ego with all its defenses, desires and aversions. Because our egos are so powerful and persistent it’s an almost impossible challenge to escape their hold on us.…

Success, Soul & Security: Nurturing The Well Being Of Men In These Challenging Times To Find Power, Peace, Passion & Grace

Is there a way to find power, peace passion and grace amid the chaos, suffering and powerful negative forces in the world? As a man do you ever allow yourself to just let go and release all the efforts and feelings you’ve been holding inside? Women, do you long for a way to help the…

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